Monday, November 26, 2007

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And we are looking forward to Christmas.

Pierce continues to do great in school. He is such a great kid. I tried to post pictures, but it didn't work so you'll have to wait until David can do it.

Matthew is so fun. He has his three year old moments, but is adorable.

David and I had a great week off. We played Monopoly all week and I actually read an entire book.

Unfortunately, David had to attend his grandmother's funeral. He flew to El Paso. His grandmother was an amazing woman. I can't think of anyone who is as warm and welcoming.

I'm winding down at work and am enjoying coordinating my Mops group.

From the Haddad Family to you:
May you have a blessed Christmas Season. Come over to celebrate with us. We may make you play some Monopoly though.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hi Everyone,
Ok. I'm going to try this world of blogging. Will anyone really read this? Here's what is going on is our lives.....probably more than you want to know!

David loves his new job. He is loving working in Central Office. He is looking forward to our camping trips. Our goal is to go on one a month.

Pierce is loving Kindergarten. I love his school and teacher. As far as extracuricular activites....we tried golf and it didn't work out so next is baseball I think.

Matthew goes to school two days a week. He loves school. He is half way potty trained and no more paci. That is big news in our house.

As for me....I love watching my boys. (all three) They are my joy! God has blessed me more than I deserve.